21 - Weather to Module Performance#

Modeling Performance, an End to End Simulation#

This tutorial shows how to use the new function on bifacial_radiance calculatePerformanceModule performance, as well as how to find CEC Module parameters.

import os
from pathlib import Path

testfolder = str(Path().resolve().parent.parent / 'bifacial_radiance' / 'TEMP' / 'Tutorial_21')

if not os.path.exists(testfolder): os.mkdir(testfolder)

# Another option using relative address; for some operative systems you might need '/' instead of '\'
# testfolder = os.path.abspath(r'..\..\bifacial_radiance\TEMP')

print ("Your simulation will be stored in %s" % testfolder)

Your simulation will be stored in C:\Users\sayala\Documents\GitHub\bifacial_radiance\bifacial_radiance\TEMP\Tutorial_21
import bifacial_radiance
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pvlib

# Selecting only two times as examples
starttime = '01_13_11';  endtime = '01_13_12'
demo = bifacial_radiance.RadianceObj('tutorial_21', path = testfolder) # Create a RadianceObj 'object'
weatherfile = demo.getEPW(lat = 37.5, lon = -77.6)  # This location corresponds to Richmond, VA.
metdata = demo.readWeatherFile(weatherFile=weatherfile, starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime)
mymodule = demo.makeModule(name='test-module', x=1, y=2, bifi=0.9)
sceneDict = {'tilt': 10, 'azimuth': 180, 'pitch': 5,'hub_height':1.5, 'nMods':3, 'nRows': 2}
trackerdict = demo.set1axis(metdata = metdata, cumulativesky = False)
trackerdict = demo.gendaylit1axis()
trackerdict = demo.makeScene1axis(moduletype = mymodule, sceneDict = sceneDict)
trackerdict = demo.makeOct1axis()
trackerdict = demo.analysis1axis(sensorsy=3)

path = C:\Users\sayala\Documents\GitHub\bifacial_radiance\bifacial_radiance\TEMP\Tutorial_21
Getting weather file: USA_VA_Richmond.724010_TMY2.epw
 ... OK!
8760 line in WeatherFile. Assuming this is a standard hourly WeatherFile for the year for purposes of saving Gencumulativesky temporary weather files in EPW folder.
Coercing year to 2021
Filtering dates
Saving file EPWs\metdata_temp.csv, # points: 8760
Calculating Sun position for Metdata that is right-labeled  with a delta of -30 mins. i.e. 12 is 11:30 sunpos
Loading albedo, 1 value(s), 0.200 avg
1 nonzero albedo values.

Module Name: test-module
Module test-module updated in module.json
Pre-existing .rad file objects\test-module.rad will be overwritten

Creating ~2 skyfiles.
Created 2 skyfiles in /skies/
Warning:  input `moduletype` is deprecated. Use kwarg `module` instead

Making ~2 .rad files for gendaylit 1-axis workflow (this takes a minute..)
2 Radfiles created in /objects/

Making 2 octfiles in root directory.
Created 1axis_2021-01-13_1100.oct
Created 1axis_2021-01-13_1200.oct
Linescan in process: 1axis_2021-01-13_1100_Front
Linescan in process: 1axis_2021-01-13_1100_Back
Saved: results\irr_1axis_2021-01-13_1100.csv
Index: 2021-01-13_1100. Wm2Front: 254.4398. Wm2Back: 45.14002
Linescan in process: 1axis_2021-01-13_1200_Front
Linescan in process: 1axis_2021-01-13_1200_Back
Saved: results\irr_1axis_2021-01-13_1200.csv
Index: 2021-01-13_1200. Wm2Front: 252.95416666666668. Wm2Back: 43.431149999999995
Saving a cumulative-results file in the main simulation folder.This adds up by sensor location the irradiance over all hours or configurations considered.
Warning: This file saving routine does not clean results, so if your setup has ygaps, or 2+modules or torque tubes, doing a deeper cleaning and working with the individual results files in the results folder is highly suggested.

Saving Cumulative results
Saved: cumulative_results_.csv

Geting a CEC Module#

url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NREL/SAM/patch/deploy/libraries/CEC%20Modules.csv'
db = pd.read_csv(url, index_col=0) # Reading this might take 1 min or so, the database is big.

Find the module that you want. In this case we know it’s a Canadian of model CS6K-275M.

Make sure you select only 1 module from the database – sometimes there are similar names.

modfilter2 = db.index.str.startswith('Canadian') & db.index.str.endswith('CS6K-275M')
CECMod = db[modfilter2]
print(len(CECMod), " modules selected. Name of 1st entry: ", CECMod.index[0])
1  modules selected. Name of 1st entry:  Canadian Solar Inc. CS6K-275M

Calculating the Performance and Exporting the Results to a CSV#

Bifaciality factor of module stored is  0.9
{'2021-01-13_1100': {'surf_azm': 90.0,
  'surf_tilt': 44.14,
  'theta': -44.14,
  'ghi': 211,
  'dhi': 149,
  'temp_air': 4.6,
  'wind_speed': 3.8,
  'skyfile': 'skies\\sky2_37.5_-77.33_2021-01-13_1100.rad',
  'clearance_height': 0.8035860263044873,
  'radfile': 'objects\\1axis2021-01-13_1100__C_0.80359_rtr_5.00000_tilt_44.14000_3modsx2rows_origin0,0.rad',
  'scene': {'module': {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 0.02, 'modulematerial': 'black', 'scenex': 1.01, 'sceney': 2.0, 'scenez': 0.1, 'numpanels': 1, 'bifi': 0.9, 'text': '! genbox black test-module 1 2 0.02 | xform -t -0.5 -1.0 0 -a 1 -t 0 2.0 0', 'modulefile': 'objects\\test-module.rad', 'glass': False, 'offsetfromaxis': 0, 'xgap': 0.01, 'ygap': 0.0, 'zgap': 0.1}, 'modulefile': 'objects\\test-module.rad', 'hpc': False, 'gcr': 0.4, 'text': '!xform -rx 44.14 -t 0 0 1.5 -a 3 -t 1.01 0 0 -a 2 -t 0 5 0 -i 1 -t -1.01 -0.0 0 -rz 90.0 -t 0 0 0 objects\\test-module.rad', 'radfiles': 'objects\\1axis2021-01-13_1100__C_0.80359_rtr_5.00000_tilt_44.14000_3modsx2rows_origin0,0.rad', 'sceneDict': {'tilt': 0, 'pitch': 5, 'clearance_height': 1.5, 'azimuth': 90.0, 'nMods': 3, 'nRows': 2, 'modulez': 0.02, 'axis_tilt': 0, 'originx': 0, 'originy': 0}},
  'octfile': '1axis_2021-01-13_1100.oct',
  'AnalysisObj': {'octfile': '1axis_2021-01-13_1100.oct', 'name': '1axis_2021-01-13_1100', 'hpc': False, 'x': [0.3734448, 0.01462469, -0.3441954], 'y': [2.28669e-17, 8.955042e-19, -2.107589e-17], 'z': [1.166863, 1.51507, 1.863277], 'rearZ': [1.151075, 1.499282, 1.847489], 'mattype': ['a1.0.a0.test-module.6457', 'a1.0.a0.test-module.6457', 'a1.0.a0.test-module.6457'], 'rearMat': ['a1.0.a0.test-module.2310', 'a1.0.a0.test-module.2310', 'a1.0.a0.test-module.2310'], 'Wm2Front': [254.3149, 255.1848, 253.8197], 'Wm2Back': [44.73869, 44.99094, 45.69043], 'Back/FrontRatio': [0.17591778571453848, 0.17630659699716836, 0.18001065318943646], 'backRatio': [0.17591778571453848, 0.17630659699716836, 0.18001065318943646], 'rearX': [0.3581237, -0.000696414, -0.3595166], 'rearY': [2.192875e-17, -4.264306e-20, -2.201404e-17]},
  'Wm2Front': [254.3149, 255.1848, 253.8197],
  'Wm2Back': [44.73869, 44.99094, 45.69043],
  'backRatio': [0.17591778571453848, 0.17630659699716836, 0.18001065318943646],
  'effective_irradiance': 295.065818,
  'Pout_module': 85.50856487724928},
 '2021-01-13_1200': {'surf_azm': 90.0,
  'surf_tilt': 21.2,
  'theta': -21.2,
  'ghi': 249,
  'dhi': 200,
  'temp_air': 6.5,
  'wind_speed': 3.9,
  'skyfile': 'skies\\sky2_37.5_-77.33_2021-01-13_1200.rad',
  'clearance_height': 1.1383754299179079,
  'radfile': 'objects\\1axis2021-01-13_1200__C_1.13838_rtr_5.00000_tilt_21.20000_3modsx2rows_origin0,0.rad',
  'scene': {'module': {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 0.02, 'modulematerial': 'black', 'scenex': 1.01, 'sceney': 2.0, 'scenez': 0.1, 'numpanels': 1, 'bifi': 0.9, 'text': '! genbox black test-module 1 2 0.02 | xform -t -0.5 -1.0 0 -a 1 -t 0 2.0 0', 'modulefile': 'objects\\test-module.rad', 'glass': False, 'offsetfromaxis': 0, 'xgap': 0.01, 'ygap': 0.0, 'zgap': 0.1}, 'modulefile': 'objects\\test-module.rad', 'hpc': False, 'gcr': 0.4, 'text': '!xform -rx 21.2 -t 0 0 1.5 -a 3 -t 1.01 0 0 -a 2 -t 0 5 0 -i 1 -t -1.01 -0.0 0 -rz 90.0 -t 0 0 0 objects\\test-module.rad', 'radfiles': 'objects\\1axis2021-01-13_1200__C_1.13838_rtr_5.00000_tilt_21.20000_3modsx2rows_origin0,0.rad', 'sceneDict': {'tilt': 21.2, 'pitch': 5, 'clearance_height': 1.1383754299179079, 'azimuth': 90.0, 'nMods': 3, 'nRows': 2, 'modulez': 0.02, 'axis_tilt': 0, 'originx': 0, 'originy': 0}},
  'octfile': '1axis_2021-01-13_1200.oct',
  'AnalysisObj': {'octfile': '1axis_2021-01-13_1200.oct', 'name': '1axis_2021-01-13_1200', 'hpc': False, 'x': [0.473756, 0.007594116, -0.4585678], 'y': [2.900919e-17, 4.650055e-19, -2.807918e-17], 'z': [1.338767, 1.519579, 1.700391], 'rearZ': [1.318255, 1.499068, 1.67988], 'mattype': ['a1.0.a0.test-module.6457', 'a1.0.a0.test-module.6457', 'a1.0.a0.test-module.6457'], 'rearMat': ['a1.0.a0.test-module.2310', 'a1.0.a0.test-module.2310', 'a1.0.a0.test-module.2310'], 'Wm2Front': [252.81730000000002, 252.9561, 253.0891], 'Wm2Back': [43.23021, 43.13953999999999, 43.9237], 'Back/FrontRatio': [0.17099319946380462, 0.17054093362076017, 0.17354965682181955], 'backRatio': [0.17099319946380462, 0.17054093362076017, 0.17354965682181955], 'rearX': [0.4658003, -0.0003616246, -0.4665235], 'rearY': [2.852204e-17, -2.214312e-20, -2.856633e-17]},
  'Wm2Front': [252.81730000000002, 252.9561, 253.0891],
  'Wm2Back': [43.23021, 43.13953999999999, 43.9237],
  'backRatio': [0.17099319946380462, 0.17054093362076017, 0.17354965682181955],
  'effective_irradiance': 292.0422016666667,
  'Pout_module': 83.96747614144749}}
Exporting TrackerDict
Unnamed: 0 dhi ghi Wm2Back Wm2Front theta surf_tilt surf_azm clearance_height effective_irradiance Pout_module Wm2BackAvg Wm2FrontAvg BifiRatio
0 2021-01-13_1100 149 211 [44.73869, 44.99094, 45.69043] [254.3149, 255.1848, 253.8197] -44.14 44.14 90.0 0.803586 295.065818 85.508565 45.14002 254.439800 0.159668
1 2021-01-13_1200 200 249 [43.23021, 43.13953999999999, 43.9237] [252.81730000000002, 252.9561, 253.0891] -21.20 21.20 90.0 1.138375 292.042202 83.967476 43.43115 252.954167 0.154526