12 - AgriPV Clearance Height Evaluation#

This journal is based on Journal 11, now looping through various clearance-heights of the modules to evaluate ground irradiance and bifacial gain.

AgriPV Bifacial Clearance Height Study

import os
from pathlib import Path

testfolder = str(Path().resolve().parent.parent / 'bifacial_radiance' / 'TEMP' / 'Tutorial_12')
if not os.path.exists(testfolder):

print ("Your simulation will be stored in %s" % testfolder)
Your simulation will be stored in C:\Users\sayala\Documents\GitHub\bifacial_radiance\bifacial_radiance\TEMP\Tutorial_12
from bifacial_radiance import *
import numpy as np
import datetime
startdt_tomato =datetime.datetime(2001,3,15,0)
enddt_tomato = datetime.datetime(2001,6,30,23)
startdt_kale = datetime.datetime(2001,9,15,0)
enddt_kale = datetime.datetime(2001,10,31,23)
startdt_PV = datetime.datetime(2001,1,1,0)
enddt_PV = datetime.datetime(2001,12,31,23)
hub_heights = [4.3, 3.5, 2.5, 1.5]
albedo = 0.2  #'grass'     # ground albedo
crops = ['tomato', 'kale']

# Redundant. Overwritihng the Radiance Obj for each loop below to have a unique name.
demo = RadianceObj('tutorial_12', path=testfolder)  # Create a RadianceObj 'object'
demo.setGround(albedo) # input albedo number or material name like 'concrete'.  To see options, run this without any input.
lat = 32.22  # Tucson, AZ
lon = -110.97  # Tucson, Az 32.2226° N, 110.9747° W
epwfile = demo.getEPW(lat, lon) # NJ lat/lon 40.0583° N, 74.4057
path = C:\Users\sayala\Documents\GitHub\bifacial_radiance\bifacial_radiance\TEMP\Tutorial_12
Making path: images
Making path: objects
Making path: results
Making path: skies
Making path: EPWs
Making path: materials
Loading albedo, 1 value(s), 0.200 avg
1 nonzero albedo values.
Getting weather file: USA_AZ_Tucson.Intl.AP.722740_TMY3.epw
 ... OK!

1. Loop over the different heights#

for jj in range (0, len(hub_heights)):
    hub_height = hub_heights[jj]
    simulationname = 'height_'+ str(int(hub_height*100))+'cm'

    # MakeModule Parameters
    numpanels = 3  # AgriPV site has 3 modules along the y direction (N-S since we are facing it to the south) .
    x = 0.95
    y = 1.95
    xgap = 2.0# Leaving 15 centimeters between modules on x direction
    ygap = 0.10 # Leaving 10 centimeters between modules on y direction
    zgap = 0 # no gap to torquetube.
    sensorsy = 6*numpanels  # this will give 6 sensors per module, 1 per cell

    # Other default values:

    # TorqueTube Parameters
    torqueTube = False
    cellLevelModule = True

    numcellsx = 12
    numcellsy = 6
    xcell = 0.156
    ycell = 0.156
    xcellgap = 0.02
    ycellgap = 0.02

    cellLevelModuleParams = {'numcellsx': numcellsx, 'numcellsy':numcellsy,
                             'xcell': xcell, 'ycell': ycell, 'xcellgap': xcellgap, 'ycellgap': ycellgap}

    # SceneDict Parameters
    pitch = 15 # m
    torquetube_height = hub_height - 0.1 # m
    nMods = 6 # six modules per row.
    nRows = 3  # 3 row

    azimuth_ang=180 # Facing south
    tilt =35 # tilt.

    # Now let's run the example
    demo = RadianceObj(simulationname,path = testfolder)  # Create a RadianceObj 'object'
    demo.setGround(albedo) # input albedo number or material name like 'concrete'.  To see options, run this without any input.

    #demo.gendaylit(4020)  # Use this to simulate only one hour at a time.
    # Making module with all the variables
    module = demo.makeModule(name=moduletype, x=x, y=y, numpanels=numpanels,
                               xgap=xgap, ygap=ygap, cellModule=cellLevelModuleParams)
    # create a scene with all the variables
    sceneDict = {'tilt':tilt, 'pitch':15, 'hub_height':hub_height, 'azimuth':azimuth_ang, 'nMods':nMods, 'nRows':nRows}
    scene = demo.makeScene(module=moduletype, sceneDict=sceneDict) #makeScene creates a .rad file with 20 modules per row, 7 rows.
    octfile = demo.makeOct(demo.getfilelist())  # makeOct combines all of the ground, sky and object fil|es into a .oct file.

    torquetubelength = module.scenex*(nMods)

    # torquetube 1
    text='! genbox Metal_Aluminum_Anodized torquetube_row1 {} 0.2 0.3 | xform -t {} -0.1 -0.3 | xform -t 0 0 {}'.format(torquetubelength, (-torquetubelength+module.sceney)/2.0, torquetube_height)
    customObject = demo.makeCustomObject(name,text)
    demo.appendtoScene(radfile=scene.radfiles, customObject=customObject, text="!xform -rz 0")

    text='! genbox Metal_Aluminum_Anodized torquetube_row2 {} 0.2 0.3 | xform -t {} -0.1 -0.3 | xform -t 0 15 {}'.format(torquetubelength, (-torquetubelength+module.sceney)/2.0, torquetube_height)
    customObject = demo.makeCustomObject(name,text)
    demo.appendtoScene(radfile=scene.radfiles, customObject=customObject, text="!xform -rz 0")

    text='! genbox Metal_Aluminum_Anodized torquetube_row2 {} 0.2 0.3 | xform -t {} -0.1 -0.3 | xform -t 0 -15 {}'.format(torquetubelength, (-torquetubelength+module.sceney)/2.0, torquetube_height)
    customObject = demo.makeCustomObject(name,text)
    demo.appendtoScene(radfile=scene.radfiles, customObject=customObject, text="!xform -rz 0")

    pile1x = (torquetubelength+module.sceney)/2.0
    pilesep = pile1x*2.0/7.0
    #! genrev Metal_Grey tube1 t*1.004 0.05 32 | xform -ry 90 -t -0.502 0 0
    text= '! genrev Metal_Grey tube1row1 t*{} 0.15 32 | xform -t {} 0 0'.format(torquetube_height, pile1x)
    text += '\r\n! genrev Metal_Grey tube1row2 t*{} 0.15 32 | xform -t {} 15 0'.format(torquetube_height, pile1x)
    text += '\r\n! genrev Metal_Grey tube1row3 t*{} 0.15 32 | xform -t {} -15 0'.format(torquetube_height, pile1x)

    for i in range (1, 7):
        text += '\r\n! genrev Metal_Grey tube{}row1 t*{} 0.15 32 | xform -t {} 0 0'.format(i+1, torquetube_height, pile1x-pilesep*i)
        text += '\r\n! genrev Metal_Grey tube{}row2 t*{} 0.15 32 | xform -t {} 15 0'.format(i+1, torquetube_height, pile1x-pilesep*i)
        text += '\r\n! genrev Metal_Grey tube{}row3 t*{} 0.15 32 | xform -t {} -15 0'.format(i+1, torquetube_height, pile1x-pilesep*i)

    customObject = demo.makeCustomObject(name,text)
    demo.appendtoScene(radfile=scene.radfiles, customObject=customObject, text="!xform -rz 0")

    for zz in range (0, len(crops)):
        crop = crops[zz]
        if crop == 'tomato':
            #startdt =datetime.datetime(2001,3,15,0)
            #enddt = datetime.datetime(2001,6,30,23)
            starttime = '2001-03-15_0100'
            endtime = '2001-06-30_2300'
            print('PLANTING TOMATO')

        if crop == 'kale':
#            startdt = datetime.datetime(2001,9,15,0)
#            enddt = datetime.datetime(2001,10,31,23)
            starttime = '2001-09-15_0100'
            endtime = '2001-10-31_2300'
            print('PLANTING KALE')

        metdata = demo.readWeatherFile(epwfile, starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime, coerce_year=2001) # read in the EPW weather data from above

        octfile = demo.makeOct()  # makeOct combines all of the ground, sky and object files into a .oct file.

        analysis = AnalysisObj(octfile, demo.name)  # return an analysis object including the scan dimensions for back irradiance
        sensorsy = 30
        sensorsx = 30
        spacingbetweensamples = module.scenex/(sensorsx-1)

        for i in range (0, sensorsx):
            frontscan, backscan = analysis.moduleAnalysis(scene, sensorsy=sensorsy)
            groundscan = frontscan
            groundscan['zstart'] = 0.05  # setting it 5 cm from the ground.
            groundscan['zinc'] = 0   # no tilt necessary.
            groundscan['yinc'] = pitch/(sensorsy-1)   # increasing spacing so it covers all distance between rows
            groundscan['xstart'] = startgroundsample + i*spacingbetweensamples   # increasing spacing so it covers all distance between rows
            analysis.analysis(octfile, simulationname+'_'+crop+'_'+str(i), groundscan, backscan)  # compare the back vs front irradiance

    metdata = demo.readWeatherFile(epwfile) # read in the EPW weather data from above
    demo.genCumSky(savefile = 'PV')#startdt=startdt, enddt=enddt)

    octfile = demo.makeOct()  # makeOct combines all of the ground, sky and object files into a .oct file.

    analysis = AnalysisObj(octfile, demo.name)  # return an analysis object including the scan dimensions for back irradiance
    sensorsy = 20
    sensorsx = 12
    spacingbetweenPVsamples = module.x/(sensorsx-1)

    for i in range (0, sensorsx): # Will map 20 points
        frontscan, backscan = analysis.moduleAnalysis(scene, sensorsy=sensorsy)
        frontscan['xstart'] = startPVsample + i*spacingbetweenPVsamples   # increasing spacing so it covers all distance between rows
        analysis.analysis(octfile, simulationname+'_PV_'+str(i), frontscan, backscan)  # compare the back vs front irradiance

path = C:\Users\sayala\Documents\GitHub\bifacial_radiance\bifacial_radiance\TEMP\Tutorial_12
Loading albedo, 1 value(s), 0.200 avg
1 nonzero albedo values.

Module Name: test-module
Module was shifted by 0.078 in X to avoid sensors on air
This is a Cell-Level detailed module with Packaging Factor of 0.81 %
Module test-module updated in module.json
Pre-existing .rad file objects\test-module.rad will be overwritten

Created height_430cm.oct

Custom Object Name objects\Post1.rad

Custom Object Name objects\Post2.rad

Custom Object Name objects\Post3.rad

Custom Object Name objects\Pile.rad
8760 line in WeatherFile. Assuming this is a standard hourly WeatherFile for the year for purposes of saving Gencumulativesky temporary weather files in EPW folder.
Coercing year to 2001
Filtering dates
Saving file EPWs\metdata_temp.csv, # points: 8760
Calculating Sun position for Metdata that is right-labeled  with a delta of -30 mins. i.e. 12 is 11:30 sunpos
Loaded  EPWs\metdata_temp.csv
message: Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 74 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 25 > 10 W/m^2 on day 74 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 32 > 10 W/m^2 on day 76 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 76 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 78 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 28 > 10 W/m^2 on day 78 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 39 > 10 W/m^2 on day 79 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 81 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 30 > 10 W/m^2 on day 81 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 36 > 10 W/m^2 on day 83 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 33 > 10 W/m^2 on day 83 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 35 > 10 W/m^2 on day 86 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 86 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 43 > 10 W/m^2 on day 88 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 47 > 10 W/m^2 on day 88 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 43 > 10 W/m^2 on day 90 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 33 > 10 W/m^2 on day 91 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 91 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 43 > 10 W/m^2 on day 93 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 45 > 10 W/m^2 on day 93 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 44 > 10 W/m^2 on day 95 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 50 > 10 W/m^2 on day 95 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 96 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 47 > 10 W/m^2 on day 98 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 42 > 10 W/m^2 on day 98 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 53 > 10 W/m^2 on day 100 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 44 > 10 W/m^2 on day 100 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 36 > 10 W/m^2 on day 102 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 35 > 10 W/m^2 on day 103 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 31 > 10 W/m^2 on day 103 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 140 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 143 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 145 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 147 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 147 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
There were 1473 sun up hours in this climate file
Total Ibh/Lbh: 0.000000
Created height_430cm.oct
Linescan in process: height_430cm_tomato_0_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_tomato_0_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_0.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_1.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_2.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_3.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_4.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_5.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_6.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_7.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_8.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_9.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_10.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_11.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_12.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_13.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_14.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_15.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_16.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_17.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_18.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_19.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_20.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_21.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_22.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_23.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_24.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_tomato_25_Front
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_25.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_26.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_27.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_tomato_28_Front
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_28.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_tomato_29_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_tomato_29_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_tomato_29.csv
8760 line in WeatherFile. Assuming this is a standard hourly WeatherFile for the year for purposes of saving Gencumulativesky temporary weather files in EPW folder.
Coercing year to 2001
Filtering dates
Saving file EPWs\metdata_temp.csv, # points: 8760
Calculating Sun position for Metdata that is right-labeled  with a delta of -30 mins. i.e. 12 is 11:30 sunpos
Loaded  EPWs\metdata_temp.csv
message: Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 258 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 259 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 24 > 10 W/m^2 on day 259 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 261 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 261 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 264 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 266 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 268 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -14 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 269 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 19 > 10 W/m^2 on day 289 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 289 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 291 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 291 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 294 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
There were 535 sun up hours in this climate file
Total Ibh/Lbh: 0.000000
Created height_430cm.oct
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_0_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_0_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_0.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_1.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_3.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_5.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_7.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_8.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_9.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_10.csv
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_11.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_12_Front
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_12.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_13_Front
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Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_13.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_14_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_14_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_14.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_15_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_15_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_15.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_16_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_16_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_16.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_17_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_17_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_17.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_18_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_18_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_18.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_19_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_19_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_19.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_20_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_20_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_20.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_21_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_21_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_21.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_22_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_22_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_22.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_23_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_23_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_23.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_24_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_24_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_24.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_25_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_25_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_25.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_26_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_26_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_26.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_27_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_27_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_27.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_28_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_28_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_28.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_29_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_kale_29_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_kale_29.csv
8760 line in WeatherFile. Assuming this is a standard hourly WeatherFile for the year for purposes of saving Gencumulativesky temporary weather files in EPW folder.
Coercing year to 2021
Saving file EPWs\metdata_temp.csv, # points: 8760
Calculating Sun position for Metdata that is right-labeled  with a delta of -30 mins. i.e. 12 is 11:30 sunpos
Loaded  EPWs\metdata_temp.csv
message: Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 16 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 16 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 18 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 19 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 19 > 10 W/m^2 on day 21 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 22 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 22 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 26 > 10 W/m^2 on day 24 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 27 > 10 W/m^2 on day 24 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 30 > 10 W/m^2 on day 25 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -14 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 52 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -14 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 53 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -14 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 54 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -14 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 54 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 55 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 56 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 58 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 59 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 61 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 64 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 66 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 66 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 69 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 20 > 10 W/m^2 on day 71 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 20 > 10 W/m^2 on day 71 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 20 > 10 W/m^2 on day 73 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 74 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 25 > 10 W/m^2 on day 74 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 32 > 10 W/m^2 on day 76 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 76 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 78 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 28 > 10 W/m^2 on day 78 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 39 > 10 W/m^2 on day 79 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 81 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 30 > 10 W/m^2 on day 81 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 36 > 10 W/m^2 on day 83 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 33 > 10 W/m^2 on day 83 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 35 > 10 W/m^2 on day 86 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 86 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 43 > 10 W/m^2 on day 88 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 47 > 10 W/m^2 on day 88 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 43 > 10 W/m^2 on day 90 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 33 > 10 W/m^2 on day 91 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 91 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 43 > 10 W/m^2 on day 93 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 45 > 10 W/m^2 on day 93 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 44 > 10 W/m^2 on day 95 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 50 > 10 W/m^2 on day 95 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 96 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 47 > 10 W/m^2 on day 98 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 42 > 10 W/m^2 on day 98 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 53 > 10 W/m^2 on day 100 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 44 > 10 W/m^2 on day 100 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 36 > 10 W/m^2 on day 102 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 35 > 10 W/m^2 on day 103 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 31 > 10 W/m^2 on day 103 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 140 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 143 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 145 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 147 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 147 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 15 > 10 W/m^2 on day 181 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 182 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 25 > 10 W/m^2 on day 184 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 185 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 185 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 24 > 10 W/m^2 on day 186 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 187 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 189 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 190 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 20 > 10 W/m^2 on day 191 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 192 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 194 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 195 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 195 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 196 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 200 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 200 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 201 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 19 > 10 W/m^2 on day 203 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 204 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 206 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 209 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 210 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 34 > 10 W/m^2 on day 243 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 46 > 10 W/m^2 on day 243 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 42 > 10 W/m^2 on day 244 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 31 > 10 W/m^2 on day 246 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 36 > 10 W/m^2 on day 246 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 248 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 33 > 10 W/m^2 on day 248 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 249 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 15 > 10 W/m^2 on day 251 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 28 > 10 W/m^2 on day 251 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 28 > 10 W/m^2 on day 253 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 28 > 10 W/m^2 on day 253 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 254 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 24 > 10 W/m^2 on day 256 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 27 > 10 W/m^2 on day 256 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 258 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 259 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 24 > 10 W/m^2 on day 259 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 261 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 261 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 264 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 266 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 268 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -14 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 269 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 19 > 10 W/m^2 on day 289 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 289 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 291 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 291 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 294 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 34 > 10 W/m^2 on day 304 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 30 > 10 W/m^2 on day 306 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 306 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 15 > 10 W/m^2 on day 307 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 27 > 10 W/m^2 on day 309 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 309 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 28 > 10 W/m^2 on day 311 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 27 > 10 W/m^2 on day 311 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 26 > 10 W/m^2 on day 312 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 314 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 25 > 10 W/m^2 on day 314 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 20 > 10 W/m^2 on day 316 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 316 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 317 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 319 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 319 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 321 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 321 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 322 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 324 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 15 > 10 W/m^2 on day 324 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 326 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 19 > 10 W/m^2 on day 326 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 19 > 10 W/m^2 on day 327 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 329 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 329 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 331 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 332 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 332 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 334 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
There were 4490 sun up hours in this climate file
Total Ibh/Lbh: 0.000000
Created height_430cm.oct
Linescan in process: height_430cm_PV_0_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_PV_0_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_PV_0.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_PV_1_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_PV_1_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_PV_1.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_PV_2_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_PV_2_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_PV_2.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_PV_3_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_PV_3_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_PV_3.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_PV_4_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_PV_4_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_PV_4.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_PV_5_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_PV_5_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_PV_5.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_PV_6_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_PV_6_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_PV_6.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_PV_7_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_PV_7_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_PV_7.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_PV_8_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_PV_8_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_PV_8.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_PV_9_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_PV_9_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_PV_9.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_PV_10_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_PV_10_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_PV_10.csv
Linescan in process: height_430cm_PV_11_Front
Linescan in process: height_430cm_PV_11_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_430cm_PV_11.csv
path = C:\Users\sayala\Documents\GitHub\bifacial_radiance\bifacial_radiance\TEMP\Tutorial_12
Loading albedo, 1 value(s), 0.200 avg
1 nonzero albedo values.

Module Name: test-module
Module was shifted by 0.078 in X to avoid sensors on air
This is a Cell-Level detailed module with Packaging Factor of 0.81 %
Module test-module updated in module.json
Pre-existing .rad file objects\test-module.rad will be overwritten

Created height_350cm.oct

Custom Object Name objects\Post1.rad

Custom Object Name objects\Post2.rad

Custom Object Name objects\Post3.rad

Custom Object Name objects\Pile.rad
8760 line in WeatherFile. Assuming this is a standard hourly WeatherFile for the year for purposes of saving Gencumulativesky temporary weather files in EPW folder.
Coercing year to 2001
Filtering dates
Saving file EPWs\metdata_temp.csv, # points: 8760
Calculating Sun position for Metdata that is right-labeled  with a delta of -30 mins. i.e. 12 is 11:30 sunpos
Loaded  EPWs\metdata_temp.csv
message: Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 74 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 25 > 10 W/m^2 on day 74 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 32 > 10 W/m^2 on day 76 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 76 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 78 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 28 > 10 W/m^2 on day 78 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 39 > 10 W/m^2 on day 79 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 81 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 30 > 10 W/m^2 on day 81 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 36 > 10 W/m^2 on day 83 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 33 > 10 W/m^2 on day 83 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 35 > 10 W/m^2 on day 86 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 86 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 43 > 10 W/m^2 on day 88 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 47 > 10 W/m^2 on day 88 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 43 > 10 W/m^2 on day 90 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 33 > 10 W/m^2 on day 91 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 91 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 43 > 10 W/m^2 on day 93 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 45 > 10 W/m^2 on day 93 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 44 > 10 W/m^2 on day 95 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 50 > 10 W/m^2 on day 95 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 96 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 47 > 10 W/m^2 on day 98 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 42 > 10 W/m^2 on day 98 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 53 > 10 W/m^2 on day 100 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 44 > 10 W/m^2 on day 100 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 36 > 10 W/m^2 on day 102 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 35 > 10 W/m^2 on day 103 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 31 > 10 W/m^2 on day 103 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 140 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 143 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 145 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 147 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 147 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
There were 1473 sun up hours in this climate file
Total Ibh/Lbh: 0.000000
Created height_350cm.oct
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_0_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_0_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_0.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_1_Front
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Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_1.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_2_Front
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Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_2.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_3_Front
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Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_3.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_4_Front
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Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_4.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_5_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_5_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_5.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_6_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_6_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_6.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_7_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_7_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_7.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_8_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_8_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_8.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_9_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_9_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_9.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_10_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_10_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_10.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_11_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_11_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_11.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_12_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_12_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_12.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_13_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_13_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_13.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_14_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_14_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_14.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_15_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_15_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_15.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_16_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_16_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_16.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_17_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_17_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_17.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_18_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_18_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_18.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_19_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_19_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_19.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_20_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_20_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_20.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_21_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_21_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_21.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_22_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_22_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_22.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_23_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_23_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_23.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_24_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_24_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_24.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_25_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_25_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_25.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_26_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_26_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_26.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_27_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_27_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_27.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_28_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_28_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_28.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_29_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_tomato_29_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_tomato_29.csv
8760 line in WeatherFile. Assuming this is a standard hourly WeatherFile for the year for purposes of saving Gencumulativesky temporary weather files in EPW folder.
Coercing year to 2001
Filtering dates
Saving file EPWs\metdata_temp.csv, # points: 8760
Calculating Sun position for Metdata that is right-labeled  with a delta of -30 mins. i.e. 12 is 11:30 sunpos
Loaded  EPWs\metdata_temp.csv
message: Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 258 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 259 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 24 > 10 W/m^2 on day 259 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 261 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 261 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 264 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 266 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 268 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -14 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 269 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 19 > 10 W/m^2 on day 289 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 289 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 291 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 291 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 294 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
There were 535 sun up hours in this climate file
Total Ibh/Lbh: 0.000000
Created height_350cm.oct
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_0_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_0_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_0.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_1_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_1_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_1.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_2_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_2_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_2.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_3_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_3_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_3.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_4_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_4_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_4.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_5_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_5_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_5.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_6_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_6_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_6.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_7_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_7_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_7.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_8_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_8_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_8.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_9_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_9_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_9.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_10_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_10_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_10.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_11_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_11_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_11.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_12_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_12_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_12.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_13_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_13_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_13.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_14_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_14_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_14.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_15_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_15_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_15.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_16_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_16_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_16.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_17_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_17_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_17.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_18_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_18_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_18.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_19_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_19_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_19.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_20_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_20_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_20.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_21_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_21_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_21.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_22_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_22_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_22.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_23_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_23_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_23.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_24_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_24_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_24.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_25_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_25_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_25.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_26_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_26_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_26.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_27_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_27_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_27.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_28_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_28_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_28.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_29_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_kale_29_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_kale_29.csv
8760 line in WeatherFile. Assuming this is a standard hourly WeatherFile for the year for purposes of saving Gencumulativesky temporary weather files in EPW folder.
Coercing year to 2021
Saving file EPWs\metdata_temp.csv, # points: 8760
Calculating Sun position for Metdata that is right-labeled  with a delta of -30 mins. i.e. 12 is 11:30 sunpos
Loaded  EPWs\metdata_temp.csv
message: Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 16 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 16 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 18 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 19 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 19 > 10 W/m^2 on day 21 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 22 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 22 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 26 > 10 W/m^2 on day 24 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 27 > 10 W/m^2 on day 24 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 30 > 10 W/m^2 on day 25 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -14 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 52 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -14 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 53 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -14 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 54 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -14 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 54 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 55 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 56 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 58 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 59 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 61 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 64 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 66 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 66 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 69 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 20 > 10 W/m^2 on day 71 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 20 > 10 W/m^2 on day 71 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 20 > 10 W/m^2 on day 73 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 74 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 25 > 10 W/m^2 on day 74 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 32 > 10 W/m^2 on day 76 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 76 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 78 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 28 > 10 W/m^2 on day 78 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 39 > 10 W/m^2 on day 79 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 81 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 30 > 10 W/m^2 on day 81 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 36 > 10 W/m^2 on day 83 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 33 > 10 W/m^2 on day 83 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 35 > 10 W/m^2 on day 86 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 86 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 43 > 10 W/m^2 on day 88 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 47 > 10 W/m^2 on day 88 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 43 > 10 W/m^2 on day 90 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 33 > 10 W/m^2 on day 91 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 91 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 43 > 10 W/m^2 on day 93 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 45 > 10 W/m^2 on day 93 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 44 > 10 W/m^2 on day 95 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 50 > 10 W/m^2 on day 95 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 96 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 47 > 10 W/m^2 on day 98 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 42 > 10 W/m^2 on day 98 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 53 > 10 W/m^2 on day 100 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 44 > 10 W/m^2 on day 100 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 36 > 10 W/m^2 on day 102 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 35 > 10 W/m^2 on day 103 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 31 > 10 W/m^2 on day 103 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 140 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 143 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 145 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 147 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 147 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 15 > 10 W/m^2 on day 181 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 182 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 25 > 10 W/m^2 on day 184 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 185 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 185 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 24 > 10 W/m^2 on day 186 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 187 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 189 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 190 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 20 > 10 W/m^2 on day 191 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 192 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 194 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 195 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 195 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 196 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 200 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 200 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 201 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 19 > 10 W/m^2 on day 203 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 204 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 206 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 209 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 210 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 34 > 10 W/m^2 on day 243 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 46 > 10 W/m^2 on day 243 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 42 > 10 W/m^2 on day 244 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 31 > 10 W/m^2 on day 246 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 36 > 10 W/m^2 on day 246 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 248 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 33 > 10 W/m^2 on day 248 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 249 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 15 > 10 W/m^2 on day 251 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 28 > 10 W/m^2 on day 251 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 28 > 10 W/m^2 on day 253 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 28 > 10 W/m^2 on day 253 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 254 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 24 > 10 W/m^2 on day 256 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 27 > 10 W/m^2 on day 256 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 258 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 259 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 24 > 10 W/m^2 on day 259 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 261 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 261 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 264 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 266 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 268 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -14 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 269 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 19 > 10 W/m^2 on day 289 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 289 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 291 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 291 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 294 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 34 > 10 W/m^2 on day 304 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 30 > 10 W/m^2 on day 306 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 306 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 15 > 10 W/m^2 on day 307 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 27 > 10 W/m^2 on day 309 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 309 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 28 > 10 W/m^2 on day 311 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 27 > 10 W/m^2 on day 311 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 26 > 10 W/m^2 on day 312 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 314 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 25 > 10 W/m^2 on day 314 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 20 > 10 W/m^2 on day 316 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 316 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 317 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 319 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 319 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 321 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 321 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 322 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 324 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 15 > 10 W/m^2 on day 324 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 326 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 19 > 10 W/m^2 on day 326 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 19 > 10 W/m^2 on day 327 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 329 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 329 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 331 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 332 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 332 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 334 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
There were 4490 sun up hours in this climate file
Total Ibh/Lbh: 0.000000
Created height_350cm.oct
Linescan in process: height_350cm_PV_0_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_PV_0_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_PV_0.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_PV_1_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_PV_1_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_PV_1.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_PV_2_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_PV_2_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_PV_2.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_PV_3_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_PV_3_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_PV_3.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_PV_4_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_PV_4_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_PV_4.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_PV_5_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_PV_5_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_PV_5.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_PV_6_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_PV_6_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_PV_6.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_PV_7_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_PV_7_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_PV_7.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_PV_8_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_PV_8_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_PV_8.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_PV_9_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_PV_9_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_PV_9.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_PV_10_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_PV_10_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_PV_10.csv
Linescan in process: height_350cm_PV_11_Front
Linescan in process: height_350cm_PV_11_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_350cm_PV_11.csv
path = C:\Users\sayala\Documents\GitHub\bifacial_radiance\bifacial_radiance\TEMP\Tutorial_12
Loading albedo, 1 value(s), 0.200 avg
1 nonzero albedo values.

Module Name: test-module
Module was shifted by 0.078 in X to avoid sensors on air
This is a Cell-Level detailed module with Packaging Factor of 0.81 %
Module test-module updated in module.json
Pre-existing .rad file objects\test-module.rad will be overwritten

Created height_250cm.oct

Custom Object Name objects\Post1.rad

Custom Object Name objects\Post2.rad

Custom Object Name objects\Post3.rad

Custom Object Name objects\Pile.rad
8760 line in WeatherFile. Assuming this is a standard hourly WeatherFile for the year for purposes of saving Gencumulativesky temporary weather files in EPW folder.
Coercing year to 2001
Filtering dates
Saving file EPWs\metdata_temp.csv, # points: 8760
Calculating Sun position for Metdata that is right-labeled  with a delta of -30 mins. i.e. 12 is 11:30 sunpos
Loaded  EPWs\metdata_temp.csv
message: Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 74 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 25 > 10 W/m^2 on day 74 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 32 > 10 W/m^2 on day 76 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 76 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 78 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 28 > 10 W/m^2 on day 78 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 39 > 10 W/m^2 on day 79 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 81 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 30 > 10 W/m^2 on day 81 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 36 > 10 W/m^2 on day 83 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 33 > 10 W/m^2 on day 83 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 35 > 10 W/m^2 on day 86 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 86 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 43 > 10 W/m^2 on day 88 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 47 > 10 W/m^2 on day 88 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 43 > 10 W/m^2 on day 90 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 33 > 10 W/m^2 on day 91 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 91 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 43 > 10 W/m^2 on day 93 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 45 > 10 W/m^2 on day 93 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 44 > 10 W/m^2 on day 95 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 50 > 10 W/m^2 on day 95 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 96 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 47 > 10 W/m^2 on day 98 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 42 > 10 W/m^2 on day 98 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 53 > 10 W/m^2 on day 100 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 44 > 10 W/m^2 on day 100 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 36 > 10 W/m^2 on day 102 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 35 > 10 W/m^2 on day 103 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 31 > 10 W/m^2 on day 103 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 140 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 143 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 145 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 147 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 147 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
There were 1473 sun up hours in this climate file
Total Ibh/Lbh: 0.000000
Created height_250cm.oct
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_0_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_0_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_0.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_1_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_1_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_1.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_2_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_2_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_2.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_3_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_3_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_3.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_4_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_4_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_4.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_5_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_5_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_5.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_6_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_6_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_6.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_7_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_7_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_7.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_8_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_8_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_8.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_9_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_9_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_9.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_10_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_10_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_10.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_11_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_11_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_11.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_12_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_12_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_12.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_13_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_13_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_13.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_14_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_14_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_14.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_15_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_15_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_15.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_16_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_16_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_16.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_17_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_17_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_17.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_18_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_18_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_18.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_19_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_19_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_19.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_20_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_20_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_20.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_21_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_21_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_21.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_22_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_22_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_22.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_23_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_23_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_23.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_24_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_24_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_24.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_25_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_25_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_25.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_26_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_26_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_26.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_27_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_27_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_27.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_28_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_28_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_28.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_29_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_tomato_29_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_tomato_29.csv
8760 line in WeatherFile. Assuming this is a standard hourly WeatherFile for the year for purposes of saving Gencumulativesky temporary weather files in EPW folder.
Coercing year to 2001
Filtering dates
Saving file EPWs\metdata_temp.csv, # points: 8760
Calculating Sun position for Metdata that is right-labeled  with a delta of -30 mins. i.e. 12 is 11:30 sunpos
Loaded  EPWs\metdata_temp.csv
message: Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 258 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 259 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 24 > 10 W/m^2 on day 259 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 261 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 261 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 264 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 266 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 268 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -14 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 269 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 19 > 10 W/m^2 on day 289 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 289 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 291 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 291 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 294 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
There were 535 sun up hours in this climate file
Total Ibh/Lbh: 0.000000
Created height_250cm.oct
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Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_kale_29.csv
8760 line in WeatherFile. Assuming this is a standard hourly WeatherFile for the year for purposes of saving Gencumulativesky temporary weather files in EPW folder.
Coercing year to 2021
Saving file EPWs\metdata_temp.csv, # points: 8760
Calculating Sun position for Metdata that is right-labeled  with a delta of -30 mins. i.e. 12 is 11:30 sunpos
Loaded  EPWs\metdata_temp.csv
message: Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 16 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 16 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 18 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 19 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 19 > 10 W/m^2 on day 21 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 22 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 22 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 26 > 10 W/m^2 on day 24 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 27 > 10 W/m^2 on day 24 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 30 > 10 W/m^2 on day 25 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -14 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 52 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -14 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 53 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -14 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 54 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -14 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 54 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 55 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 56 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 58 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 59 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 61 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 64 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 66 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 66 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 69 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 20 > 10 W/m^2 on day 71 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 20 > 10 W/m^2 on day 71 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 20 > 10 W/m^2 on day 73 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 74 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 25 > 10 W/m^2 on day 74 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 32 > 10 W/m^2 on day 76 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 76 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 78 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 28 > 10 W/m^2 on day 78 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 39 > 10 W/m^2 on day 79 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 81 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 30 > 10 W/m^2 on day 81 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 36 > 10 W/m^2 on day 83 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 33 > 10 W/m^2 on day 83 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 35 > 10 W/m^2 on day 86 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 86 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 43 > 10 W/m^2 on day 88 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 47 > 10 W/m^2 on day 88 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 43 > 10 W/m^2 on day 90 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 33 > 10 W/m^2 on day 91 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 91 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 43 > 10 W/m^2 on day 93 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 45 > 10 W/m^2 on day 93 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 44 > 10 W/m^2 on day 95 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 50 > 10 W/m^2 on day 95 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 96 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 47 > 10 W/m^2 on day 98 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 42 > 10 W/m^2 on day 98 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 53 > 10 W/m^2 on day 100 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 44 > 10 W/m^2 on day 100 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 36 > 10 W/m^2 on day 102 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 35 > 10 W/m^2 on day 103 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 31 > 10 W/m^2 on day 103 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 140 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 143 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 145 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 147 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 147 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 15 > 10 W/m^2 on day 181 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 182 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 25 > 10 W/m^2 on day 184 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 185 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 185 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 24 > 10 W/m^2 on day 186 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 187 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 189 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 190 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 20 > 10 W/m^2 on day 191 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 192 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 194 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 195 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 195 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 196 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 200 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 200 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 201 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 19 > 10 W/m^2 on day 203 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 204 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 206 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 209 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 210 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 34 > 10 W/m^2 on day 243 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 46 > 10 W/m^2 on day 243 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 42 > 10 W/m^2 on day 244 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 31 > 10 W/m^2 on day 246 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 36 > 10 W/m^2 on day 246 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 248 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 33 > 10 W/m^2 on day 248 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 249 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 15 > 10 W/m^2 on day 251 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 28 > 10 W/m^2 on day 251 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 28 > 10 W/m^2 on day 253 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 28 > 10 W/m^2 on day 253 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 254 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 24 > 10 W/m^2 on day 256 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 27 > 10 W/m^2 on day 256 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 258 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 259 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 24 > 10 W/m^2 on day 259 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 261 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 261 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 264 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 266 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 268 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -14 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 269 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 19 > 10 W/m^2 on day 289 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 289 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 291 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 291 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 294 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 34 > 10 W/m^2 on day 304 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 30 > 10 W/m^2 on day 306 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 306 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 15 > 10 W/m^2 on day 307 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 27 > 10 W/m^2 on day 309 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 309 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 28 > 10 W/m^2 on day 311 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 27 > 10 W/m^2 on day 311 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 26 > 10 W/m^2 on day 312 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 314 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 25 > 10 W/m^2 on day 314 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 20 > 10 W/m^2 on day 316 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 316 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 317 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 319 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 319 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 321 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 321 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 322 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 324 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 15 > 10 W/m^2 on day 324 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 326 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 19 > 10 W/m^2 on day 326 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 19 > 10 W/m^2 on day 327 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 329 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 329 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 331 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 332 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 332 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 334 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
There were 4490 sun up hours in this climate file
Total Ibh/Lbh: 0.000000
Created height_250cm.oct
Linescan in process: height_250cm_PV_0_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_PV_0_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_PV_0.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_PV_1_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_PV_1_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_PV_1.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_PV_2_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_PV_2_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_PV_2.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_PV_3_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_PV_3_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_PV_3.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_PV_4_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_PV_4_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_PV_4.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_PV_5_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_PV_5_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_PV_5.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_PV_6_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_PV_6_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_PV_6.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_PV_7_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_PV_7_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_PV_7.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_PV_8_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_PV_8_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_PV_8.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_PV_9_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_PV_9_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_PV_9.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_PV_10_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_PV_10_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_PV_10.csv
Linescan in process: height_250cm_PV_11_Front
Linescan in process: height_250cm_PV_11_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_250cm_PV_11.csv
path = C:\Users\sayala\Documents\GitHub\bifacial_radiance\bifacial_radiance\TEMP\Tutorial_12
Loading albedo, 1 value(s), 0.200 avg
1 nonzero albedo values.

Module Name: test-module
Module was shifted by 0.078 in X to avoid sensors on air
This is a Cell-Level detailed module with Packaging Factor of 0.81 %
Module test-module updated in module.json
Pre-existing .rad file objects\test-module.rad will be overwritten

Created height_150cm.oct

Custom Object Name objects\Post1.rad

Custom Object Name objects\Post2.rad

Custom Object Name objects\Post3.rad

Custom Object Name objects\Pile.rad
8760 line in WeatherFile. Assuming this is a standard hourly WeatherFile for the year for purposes of saving Gencumulativesky temporary weather files in EPW folder.
Coercing year to 2001
Filtering dates
Saving file EPWs\metdata_temp.csv, # points: 8760
Calculating Sun position for Metdata that is right-labeled  with a delta of -30 mins. i.e. 12 is 11:30 sunpos
Loaded  EPWs\metdata_temp.csv
message: Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 74 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 25 > 10 W/m^2 on day 74 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 32 > 10 W/m^2 on day 76 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 76 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 78 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 28 > 10 W/m^2 on day 78 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 39 > 10 W/m^2 on day 79 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 81 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 30 > 10 W/m^2 on day 81 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 36 > 10 W/m^2 on day 83 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 33 > 10 W/m^2 on day 83 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 35 > 10 W/m^2 on day 86 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 86 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 43 > 10 W/m^2 on day 88 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 47 > 10 W/m^2 on day 88 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 43 > 10 W/m^2 on day 90 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 33 > 10 W/m^2 on day 91 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 91 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 43 > 10 W/m^2 on day 93 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 45 > 10 W/m^2 on day 93 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 44 > 10 W/m^2 on day 95 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 50 > 10 W/m^2 on day 95 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 96 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 47 > 10 W/m^2 on day 98 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 42 > 10 W/m^2 on day 98 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 53 > 10 W/m^2 on day 100 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 44 > 10 W/m^2 on day 100 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 36 > 10 W/m^2 on day 102 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 35 > 10 W/m^2 on day 103 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 31 > 10 W/m^2 on day 103 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 140 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 143 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 145 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 147 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 147 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
There were 1473 sun up hours in this climate file
Total Ibh/Lbh: 0.000000
Created height_150cm.oct
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_0_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_0_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_0.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_1_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_1_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_1.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_2_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_2_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_2.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_3_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_3_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_3.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_4_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_4_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_4.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_5_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_5_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_5.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_6_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_6_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_6.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_7_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_7_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_7.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_8_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_8_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_8.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_9_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_9_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_9.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_10_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_10_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_10.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_11_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_11_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_11.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_12_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_12_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_12.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_13_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_13_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_13.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_14_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_14_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_14.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_15_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_15_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_15.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_16_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_16_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_16.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_17_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_17_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_17.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_18_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_18_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_18.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_19_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_19_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_19.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_20_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_20_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_20.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_21_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_21_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_21.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_22_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_22_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_22.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_23_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_23_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_23.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_24_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_24_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_24.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_25_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_25_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_25.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_26_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_26_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_26.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_27_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_27_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_27.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_28_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_28_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_28.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_29_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_tomato_29_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_tomato_29.csv
8760 line in WeatherFile. Assuming this is a standard hourly WeatherFile for the year for purposes of saving Gencumulativesky temporary weather files in EPW folder.
Coercing year to 2001
Filtering dates
Saving file EPWs\metdata_temp.csv, # points: 8760
Calculating Sun position for Metdata that is right-labeled  with a delta of -30 mins. i.e. 12 is 11:30 sunpos
Loaded  EPWs\metdata_temp.csv
message: Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 258 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 259 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 24 > 10 W/m^2 on day 259 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 261 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 261 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 264 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 266 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 268 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -14 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 269 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 19 > 10 W/m^2 on day 289 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 289 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 291 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 291 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 294 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
There were 535 sun up hours in this climate file
Total Ibh/Lbh: 0.000000
Created height_150cm.oct
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_0_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_0_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_0.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_1_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_1_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_1.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_2_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_2_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_2.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_3_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_3_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_3.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_4_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_4_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_4.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_5_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_5_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_5.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_6_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_6_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_6.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_7_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_7_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_7.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_8_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_8_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_8.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_9_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_9_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_9.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_10_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_10_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_10.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_11_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_11_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_11.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_12_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_12_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_12.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_13_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_13_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_13.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_14_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_14_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_14.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_15_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_15_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_15.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_16_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_16_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_16.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_17_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_17_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_17.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_18_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_18_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_18.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_19_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_19_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_19.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_20_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_20_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_20.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_21_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_21_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_21.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_22_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_22_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_22.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_23_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_23_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_23.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_24_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_24_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_24.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_25_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_25_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_25.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_26_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_26_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_26.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_27_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_27_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_27.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_28_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_28_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_28.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_29_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_kale_29_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_kale_29.csv
8760 line in WeatherFile. Assuming this is a standard hourly WeatherFile for the year for purposes of saving Gencumulativesky temporary weather files in EPW folder.
Coercing year to 2021
Saving file EPWs\metdata_temp.csv, # points: 8760
Calculating Sun position for Metdata that is right-labeled  with a delta of -30 mins. i.e. 12 is 11:30 sunpos
Loaded  EPWs\metdata_temp.csv
message: Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 16 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 16 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 18 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 19 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 19 > 10 W/m^2 on day 21 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 22 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 22 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 26 > 10 W/m^2 on day 24 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 27 > 10 W/m^2 on day 24 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 30 > 10 W/m^2 on day 25 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -14 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 52 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -14 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 53 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -14 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 54 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -14 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 54 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 55 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 56 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 58 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 59 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 61 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 64 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 66 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 66 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 69 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 20 > 10 W/m^2 on day 71 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 20 > 10 W/m^2 on day 71 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 20 > 10 W/m^2 on day 73 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 74 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 25 > 10 W/m^2 on day 74 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 32 > 10 W/m^2 on day 76 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 76 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 78 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 28 > 10 W/m^2 on day 78 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 39 > 10 W/m^2 on day 79 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 81 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 30 > 10 W/m^2 on day 81 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 36 > 10 W/m^2 on day 83 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 33 > 10 W/m^2 on day 83 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 35 > 10 W/m^2 on day 86 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 86 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 43 > 10 W/m^2 on day 88 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 47 > 10 W/m^2 on day 88 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 43 > 10 W/m^2 on day 90 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 33 > 10 W/m^2 on day 91 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 91 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 43 > 10 W/m^2 on day 93 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 45 > 10 W/m^2 on day 93 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 44 > 10 W/m^2 on day 95 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 50 > 10 W/m^2 on day 95 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 41 > 10 W/m^2 on day 96 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 47 > 10 W/m^2 on day 98 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 42 > 10 W/m^2 on day 98 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 53 > 10 W/m^2 on day 100 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 44 > 10 W/m^2 on day 100 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 36 > 10 W/m^2 on day 102 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 35 > 10 W/m^2 on day 103 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 31 > 10 W/m^2 on day 103 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 140 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 143 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 145 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 147 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 147 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 15 > 10 W/m^2 on day 181 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 182 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 25 > 10 W/m^2 on day 184 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 185 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 185 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 24 > 10 W/m^2 on day 186 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 187 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 189 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 190 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 20 > 10 W/m^2 on day 191 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 192 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 194 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 195 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 195 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 196 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 200 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 200 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 201 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 19 > 10 W/m^2 on day 203 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 204 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 206 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 209 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 210 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 34 > 10 W/m^2 on day 243 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 46 > 10 W/m^2 on day 243 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 42 > 10 W/m^2 on day 244 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 31 > 10 W/m^2 on day 246 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 36 > 10 W/m^2 on day 246 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 248 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 33 > 10 W/m^2 on day 248 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 249 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 15 > 10 W/m^2 on day 251 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 28 > 10 W/m^2 on day 251 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 28 > 10 W/m^2 on day 253 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -9 < -6 degrees and Idh = 28 > 10 W/m^2 on day 253 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 254 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 24 > 10 W/m^2 on day 256 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 27 > 10 W/m^2 on day 256 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 258 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 259 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 24 > 10 W/m^2 on day 259 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 261 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 261 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 264 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 266 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -13 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 268 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -14 < -6 degrees and Idh = 13 > 10 W/m^2 on day 269 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -6 < -6 degrees and Idh = 19 > 10 W/m^2 on day 289 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 289 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 291 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -7 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 291 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -8 < -6 degrees and Idh = 12 > 10 W/m^2 on day 294 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 34 > 10 W/m^2 on day 304 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 30 > 10 W/m^2 on day 306 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 306 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 15 > 10 W/m^2 on day 307 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 27 > 10 W/m^2 on day 309 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -10 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 309 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 28 > 10 W/m^2 on day 311 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 27 > 10 W/m^2 on day 311 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 26 > 10 W/m^2 on day 312 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 314 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 25 > 10 W/m^2 on day 314 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 20 > 10 W/m^2 on day 316 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 316 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 317 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -11 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 319 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 319 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 321 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 21 > 10 W/m^2 on day 321 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 22 > 10 W/m^2 on day 322 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 324 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 15 > 10 W/m^2 on day 324 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 16 > 10 W/m^2 on day 326 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 19 > 10 W/m^2 on day 326 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 19 > 10 W/m^2 on day 327 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 329 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 11 > 10 W/m^2 on day 329 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 331 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 18 > 10 W/m^2 on day 332 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 17 > 10 W/m^2 on day 332 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
Error!  Solar altitude is -12 < -6 degrees and Idh = 14 > 10 W/m^2 on day 334 !Ibn is 0.  Attempting to continue!
There were 4490 sun up hours in this climate file
Total Ibh/Lbh: 0.000000
Created height_150cm.oct
Linescan in process: height_150cm_PV_0_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_PV_0_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_PV_0.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_PV_1_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_PV_1_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_PV_1.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_PV_2_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_PV_2_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_PV_2.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_PV_3_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_PV_3_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_PV_3.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_PV_4_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_PV_4_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_PV_4.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_PV_5_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_PV_5_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_PV_5.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_PV_6_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_PV_6_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_PV_6.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_PV_7_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_PV_7_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_PV_7.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_PV_8_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_PV_8_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_PV_8.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_PV_9_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_PV_9_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_PV_9.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_PV_10_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_PV_10_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_PV_10.csv
Linescan in process: height_150cm_PV_11_Front
Linescan in process: height_150cm_PV_11_Back
Saved: results\irr_height_150cm_PV_11.csv

2. Plot Bifacial Gain Results#

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
font = {'family' : 'normal',
        'weight' : 'bold',
        'size'   : 22}
matplotlib.rc('font', **font)

hub_heights = [4.3, 3.5, 2.5, 1.5]
for i in range(0, len(hub_heights)):
    hub_height = str(int(hub_heights[i]*100))
    filepv= os.path.join(testfolder,'results',f'irr_height_{hub_height}cm_PV_6.csv')
    resultsDF = load.read1Result(filepv)
    resultsDF = load.cleanResult(resultsDF).dropna()

plt.plot(hub_heights, results_BGG, '.-')
plt.ylabel('Bifacial Gain in Irradiance (BG$_G$) [%]')
plt.xlabel('Hub height [m]')
Text(0.5, 0, 'Hub height [m]')

3. Plot Heatmaps of the Ground Irradiance#

First, here is a complicated way to find the maximum of all arrays so all heatmaps are referenced to that value#

maxmax = 0
for hh in range (0, len(hub_heights)):
    for cc in range (0, len(crops)):
        filestarter = "irr_height_"+ str(int(hub_heights[hh]*100))+'cm_'+crops[cc]

        filelist = sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(testfolder, 'results')))
        prefixed = [filename for filename in filelist if filename.startswith(filestarter)]
        arrayWm2Front = []
        arrayWm2Back = []
        arrayMatFront = []
        arrayMatBack = []
        filenamed = []
        faillist = []

        print('{} files in the directory'.format(filelist.__len__()))
        print('{} groundscan files in the directory'.format(prefixed.__len__()))
        i = 0  # counter to track # files loaded.

        for i in range (0, len(prefixed)-1):
            ind = prefixed[i].split('_')
            #print(" Working on ", filelist[i], locs[ii], Scenario[jj])
                resultsDF = load.read1Result(os.path.join(testfolder, 'results', prefixed[i]))
                print(" FAILED ", i, prefixed[i])

        resultsdf = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(arrayWm2Front, arrayWm2Back,
                                          arrayMatFront, arrayMatBack)),
                                 columns = ['br_Wm2Front', 'br_Wm2Back',
                                            'br_MatFront', 'br_MatBack'])
        resultsdf['filename'] = filenamed

        df3 = pd.DataFrame(resultsdf['br_Wm2Front'].to_list())
        reversed_df = df3.T.iloc[::-1]

        if df3.max().max() > maxmax:
            maxmax = df3.max().max()

print("MAX Found", maxmax)
288 files in the directory
30 groundscan files in the directory
288 files in the directory
30 groundscan files in the directory
288 files in the directory
30 groundscan files in the directory
288 files in the directory
30 groundscan files in the directory
288 files in the directory
30 groundscan files in the directory
288 files in the directory
30 groundscan files in the directory
288 files in the directory
30 groundscan files in the directory
288 files in the directory
30 groundscan files in the directory
MAX Found 799098.0

Now let’s print Results Table and Ground Irradiance Heatmaps:

for hh in range (0, len(hub_heights)):
    for cc in range (0, len(crops)):
        filestarter = "irr_height_"+ str(int(hub_heights[hh]*100))+'cm_'+crops[cc]

        filelist = sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(testfolder, 'results')))
        prefixed = [filename for filename in filelist if filename.startswith(filestarter)]
        arrayWm2Front = []
        arrayWm2Back = []
        arrayMatFront = []
        arrayMatBack = []
        filenamed = []
        faillist = []

        i = 0  # counter to track # files loaded.

        for i in range (0, len(prefixed)-1):
            ind = prefixed[i].split('_')
            #print(" Working on ", filelist[i], locs[ii], Scenario[jj])
                resultsDF = load.read1Result(os.path.join(testfolder, 'results', prefixed[i]))
                print(" FAILED ", i, prefixed[i])

        resultsdf = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(arrayWm2Front, arrayWm2Back,
                                          arrayMatFront, arrayMatBack)),
                                 columns = ['br_Wm2Front', 'br_Wm2Back',
                                            'br_MatFront', 'br_MatBack'])
        resultsdf['filename'] = filenamed

        df3 = pd.DataFrame(resultsdf['br_Wm2Front'].to_list())
        reversed_df = df3.T.iloc[::-1]

        ax = sns.heatmap(reversed_df/maxmax, vmin=0, vmax=1)
        mytitle = 'Crop: '+crops[cc]+', Hub Height '+str(hub_heights[hh])

        print(mytitle, "MAX irradiance", round(df3.max().max()/1000,1), " kW/m2; Min irradiance", round(df3.min().min()/1000,1), "kW/m2")

Crop: tomato, Hub Height 4.3 MAX irradiance 796.0  kW/m2; Min irradiance 405.8 kW/m2
Crop: kale, Hub Height 4.3 MAX irradiance 277.7  kW/m2; Min irradiance 119.1 kW/m2
Crop: tomato, Hub Height 3.5 MAX irradiance 797.8  kW/m2; Min irradiance 367.4 kW/m2
Crop: kale, Hub Height 3.5 MAX irradiance 263.7  kW/m2; Min irradiance 102.9 kW/m2
Crop: tomato, Hub Height 2.5 MAX irradiance 798.0  kW/m2; Min irradiance 351.6 kW/m2
Crop: kale, Hub Height 2.5 MAX irradiance 249.8  kW/m2; Min irradiance 80.9 kW/m2
Crop: tomato, Hub Height 1.5 MAX irradiance 799.1  kW/m2; Min irradiance 237.0 kW/m2
Crop: kale, Hub Height 1.5 MAX irradiance 250.8  kW/m2; Min irradiance 72.1 kW/m2
