
RadianceObj.analysis1axis(trackerdict=None, singleindex=None, accuracy='low', customname=None, modWanted=None, rowWanted=None, sensorsy=9, sensorsx=1, modscanfront=None, modscanback=None, relative=False, debug=False)[source]#

Loop through trackerdict and runs linescans for each scene and scan in there.

  • trackerdict

  • singleindex (str) – For single-index mode, just the one index we want to run (new in 0.2.3). Example format ‘21_06_14_12_30’ for 2021 June 14th 12:30 pm

  • accuracy (str) – ‘low’ or ‘high’, resolution option used during _irrPlot and rtrace

  • customname (str) – Custom text string to be added to the file name for the results .CSV files

  • modWanted (int) – Module to be sampled. Index starts at 1.

  • rowWanted (int) – Row to be sampled. Index starts at 1. (row 1)

  • sensorsy (int or list) – Number of ‘sensors’ or scanning points along the collector width (CW) of the module(s). If multiple values are passed, first value represents number of front sensors, second value is number of back sensors

  • sensorsx (int or list) – Number of ‘sensors’ or scanning points along the length, the side perpendicular to the collector width (CW) of the module(s) for the back side of the module. If multiple values are passed, first value represents number of front sensors, second value is number of back sensors.

  • modscanfront (dict) – dictionary with one or more of the following key: xstart, ystart, zstart, xinc, yinc, zinc, Nx, Ny, Nz, orient. All of these keys are ints or floats except for ‘orient’ which takes x y z values as string ‘x y z’ for example ‘0 0 -1’. These values will overwrite the internally calculated frontscan dictionary for the module & row selected. If modifying Nx, Ny or Nz, make sure to modify on modscanback to avoid issues on results writing stage.

  • modscanback (dict) – dictionary with one or more of the following key: xstart, ystart, zstart, xinc, yinc, zinc, Nx, Ny, Nz, orient. All of these keys are ints or floats except for ‘orient’ which takes x y z values as string ‘x y z’ for example ‘0 0 -1’. These values will overwrite the internally calculated frontscan dictionary for the module & row selected. If modifying Nx, Ny or Nz, make sure to modify on modscanback to avoid issues on results writing stage.

  • relative (Bool) – if passing modscanfront and modscanback to modify dictionarie of positions, this sets if the values passed to be updated are relative or absolute. Default is absolute value (relative=False)

  • debug (Bool) – Activates internal printing of the function to help debugging.


  • trackerdict with new keys – ‘AnalysisObj’ : analysis object for this tracker theta ‘Wm2Front’ : list of front Wm-2 irradiances, len=sensorsy_back ‘Wm2Back’ : list of rear Wm-2 irradiances, len=sensorsy_back ‘backRatio’ : list of rear irradiance ratios, len=sensorsy_back

  • RadianceObj with new appended values – ‘Wm2Front’ : np Array with front irradiance cumulative ‘Wm2Back’ : np Array with rear irradiance cumulative ‘backRatio’ : np Array with rear irradiance ratios